Java Jazz Festival 2015: Explore Indonesia

Perhelatan Jazz terbesar di Indonesia kembali lagi!
The biggest Jazz festival in Indonesia and one of the largest Jazz festivals in the world IS BACK!

Sebagai pribadi yang sangat mengapresiasi musik dan para musisi yang memproduksinya, saya selalu  semangat untuk datang ke acara konser atau festival musik yang ada di tanah air. Dalam hal ini Jazz, yang telah lama berhasil mencuri hati saya akibat dicekokin Papa sejak kecil. Oleh karena itu sejak Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival pertama kali diselenggarakan tahun 2005, saya hampir tidak pernah absen datang untuk merayakan pesta tahunan Jazz ini.

As a person who really appreciate music and the musicians who produce it, I'm very enthusiastic to attend concerts or music festivals in the country. In this case the Jazz, which has long managed to steal my heart due to my Dad's influence since childhood. Therefore, since the Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival was first held in 2005, I've become the regular attendee of this annual feast of Jazz.

Tahun ini, Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival, biasa disingkat JJF, menarik perhatian saya karena mengusung tema Explore Indonesia. Bagaimana tidak, dua hal yang saya cintai berasimilasi di dalam satu event bertaraf internasional ini. Semangat terlihat dari beberapa bulan belakangan, dimana JJF 2015 mengajak travelers dari seluruh nusantara untuk mempromosikan event ini sekaligus mengekspos keindahan dan kekayaan Indonesia dengan #JJFExploreID. Ibarat kata, sekali dayung dua pulau terlampaui. Salut untuk tim Java Festival production dengan ide kolaborasinya yang berkontribusi memajukan pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif negeri ini di mata dunia.

This year, the Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival (JJF) caught my attention by its theme: Explore Indonesia. Two things I love most, music and Indonesia, assimilated in the biggest Jazz festival in Southern Hemisphere. For the past few months, JJF 2015 invited travelers from around the country to promote this event as and to expose the beauty and rich cultures of Indonesia with #JJFExploreID through their social media channels. Like the saying, once paddle two islands exceeded. Salute to Java Festival Production team with the collaboration idea that obviously contributing to boost Indonesia's tourism and creative economy to the world.

Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, Line Up JJF 2015 pun bikin semangat 45. Sebut saja Lisa Ono (my favoritte!), Chaka Khan ft. Incognito, Chris Botti,  Jessie J, Boby McFerrin, Christina Perri, Maurice Brown, Ron King Big Band, dan masih banyak lagi artis internasionalnya. Untuk musisi dalam negeri juga gak kalah kece, ada Tulus, Sheila On 7, Glenn Fredly, Kahitna, Petra Sihombing, Tiga Diva, Laya Putri..  wah, saking banyaknya posting ini bakal panjang banget kalau disebutin satu per satu.

As in previous years, the line up of JJF 205 is amazing. Call it Lisa Ono (my favorite!), Chaka Khan ft. Incognito, Chris Botti, Bobby McFerrin, Jessie J, Christina Perri, Maurice Brown, Ron King Big Band, and many more  dashing international artists. Superb local talents will also perform; Tulus, Sheila On 7, Glenn Fredly, Kahitna, Petra Sihombing, Tiga Diva, Laya Putri.. so many names it could make loooong lines only for this section.

Mungkin banyak yang bertanya-tanya ya,
"kok Jessie J sih? Memangnya dia penyanyi Jazz?" "What so jazz about Christina Perri?"
But then again, it's a music festival. It's a people party.

Some may ask,
"Why Jessie J? Is she a jazz singer?" "What so jazz about Christina Perri?"
But then again, it's a music festival. It's a people party.

Orang datang ke JJF with their loved ones to celebrate the festive and music. Genre musik Jazz, Soul, Funk, R&B, Blues, Pop.. sebenarnya semua punya spirit yang sama, bahasanya aja yang beda. Pendapat saya tentang JJF 2015 yang "melebarkan sayap"seperti ini justru bagus, karena orang yang preference-nya gak terlalu Jazz akan tetap happy dan bisa menikmati event ini. To have fun, to meet people and to be happy, that's what Indonesian people are good at, right?

People come to JJF with their loved ones to celebrate the festive and the music. Jazz, Soul, Funk, R & B, Blues, Pop .. actually they have the same spirit but different languages. I see the "expansion" of JJF 2015 actually brings more good than the bad. It makes those whose main preferences are not Jazz will remain happy and able to enjoy this event. To have fun, to meet people and to be happy, that's what Indonesian people are good at, right?

Bertempat di JIExpo Kemayoran, JJF 2015 akan berlangsung Jumat sampai Minggu 6, 7, dan 8 Maret 2015 mendatang. Tinggal hitungan hari bahkan jam sampai hari H, tetapi tiket masih bisa didapatkan di official website,, atau on the spot. Boleh juga coba peruntungan dengan ikutan kuis di sosial media yang berhadiah tiket seperti di sini dan sini.

Located in JIExpo Kemayoran, JJF 2015 will be held on Friday through Sunday 6, 7, and March 8 2015. Tickets can still be bought on its official website,, or on the spot ticket booths. You may also try your luck by joining quizzes on the social media bandwagon with prizes such as tickets here and here.

Kebetulan tahun ini saya akan berpindah dari menonton menjadi yang ditonton (bukan jadi yang jejingkrakan nyanyi ya, bisa ditimpukkin batu akik satu ton kalau sampai iya HAHA) sebagai Master of Ceremony alias MC. Gak nyangka bisa dapat kesempatan yang kayak mimpi ini, karena dulu jaman sekolah punya obsesi random bisa berdiri di atas panggung JJF saking rajinnya tiap tahun datang. Haha silly I know, but I really believe in one thing setelah beberapa tahun belakangan banyak terjadi hal luar biasa di hidup saya:

This year, I will be on stage (not to sing, obviously, I don't want to be thrown rocks by you HAHA) as a Master of Ceremonies aka MC. I can't believe I can get this opportunity by now. To tell you the truth, years ago when I was young I had that random obsession of standing on JJF stage. Haha silly I know, but seriously, I strongly believe in one thing after the past few years extraordinary things happen in my life:

Dare to DREAM BIG and DO something for it
'cause everything is POSSIBLE

Semoga kamu bisa jadi saksi terwujudnya mimpi saya di JJF 2015 ini ya.
See you at JIExpo Kemayoran!

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2 komentar :

  1. Kalo kamu yang nyanyi aku ga akan nimpukin ko yek suwer! hahah
    wohooo keep shining my love :*


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